Company information
Greetings from the President
The automotive industry is evolving from simply providing transportation to offering a wide range of experiences. In addition to comfortable transportation, passengers will benefit from new services tailored to their individual needs by integrating various industries such as IT, finance, and gaming. In this new era, the risk of cyber-attacks is higher due to the complex electronic systems and network structures required to deliver these integrated services and functions. Therefore, cybersecurity is essential for ensuring the safety and success of innovation.
Since our establishment in 2018, we have employed security experts for both hardware and software and have focused on developing world-class technological capabilities in these areas. Our hope and mission is to make sure that our loved ones can peacefully enjoy the benefits of these mobility advancements. We are committed to contributing to the development of a safer and more advanced mobility society by continually enhancing our expertise and acquiring more advanced technological capabilities to stay ahead of potential attackers.
President of NDIAS, Ltd. Takenori KIUCHI
5 minutes walk from Shinagawa Station Konan-guchi Exit